Will That Be Visa or MasterCard?
Invoices for annual association membership fees will be coming your way
at the start of June and this year you will be able to pay them online. A
system has been set up on our new website that allows members to
by Visa, MasterCard or debit. You will still have the opportunity to
pay by cheque if you prefer.
The Board of Directors of the Blackburne
Creek Homeowner's Association wants to make it as easy as possible for
everyone to pay their fees, which remain at $90 annually for single
family homes and $60 for condos. Look for payment information on your
invoice or on our updated website.
Following changes made in the association bylaws last fall, payments
will only be sought from association members. In the past, voluntary
payments have been requested from residents who aren't members, but this
year the bylaw changes will only allow for payments from members to
ensure there is a defined line between the association's members and
non-members in the area.